Tuesday, July 5, 2016


So if you follow this through FB you know that spent the last 4 days in Berlin Germany.  If you don't, well know you know. It was a planned get away to go see my German daughter who is currently doing an internship in Berlin.  Since I've never had the opportunity to see that city, it was a great excuse to runaway for a long weekend. And to see her again since it's been 3 years that we've talked in person. The last time she was in the states again and we did "the road trip" across the US to as far a Illinois and back... but that's another story for another day. 

 (I won't tell you she's on her knees...) 

The weather was mostly cooperative and I even managed a bit of a sunburn (for me that's pinkish for all day out in the sun)  The sunshine, warmth and lots of fresh air was greatly needed and i soak up every minute of it.  True to form when I visit a city, walking is a huge thing.  I averaged 25,000 - 30,000 steps a day (8 to 12 miles) and 30+ flights of stairs (30 being the minimum) Some people shop till they drop, I walk till I drop, then get up the next day and do it all over again!

Berlin is a very unique city, but it has a unique history to go with it so it only stands to reason.  One of the things I really like about Europe is that they understand the importance of leaving history reminders and when the purpose for a building or something changes, the structure doesn't.  For instance where the wall was, the places where it is totally gone, there are makers on the ground (aka bricks in the street) showing where it was.  There is a portion that is left they was it would have been (bleak, grey, cold) and then a very long portion that has now been turned into an art gallery of sorts.  Most of the art or murals on the wall deal with oppression, injustice, and discrimination kinds of themes.  The back of the wall (on the west side) is a display on the Syrian refugees.  It's appropo because the wall itself was a symbol of war, refugees, oppression and injustice.  They are not afraid to have reminders, hoping to help heal and to not make the same mistakes again. 

top left is the "untouched" section on wall. The top and bottom right pictures is the war in Syria exhibit and the bottom left is the other side of that section of wall the "east side gallery"

A couple of places made a lasting impression on me. Both are memorial sites for the European Jews.  I didn't take pictures in the museum... it was one of those places you just feel like picture taking isn't appropriate because of the feeling and respect for what it is.  The one I have pictures for doesn't do it justice.  When you first approach it there are this large concrete blocks.  As you walk among them they get bigger and closer together so when you are in the middle it is very oppressive.  

You kinda get the idea..... But it causes you to reflect on the consequences of war for the people whose lives are torn apart for whatever reasons. These things stand as a memorial not only for those it states, but for all who have dealt with these kinds of atrocities created by war and hate and misunderstanding. 

The difference in feel between the different sections of the city is. amazing as well.  The eastern side still has effects of soviet oppression about it.  But other parts are newer and nicer than the west because it had to be rebuilt when the wall came down.  The mayor says Berlin is poor but sexy. 

I have way too many pictures of things to share them all, so let me give some over views. First I love castles and when I'm in a new place, well I have see castles.  We visited three.  and then I snapped one here in England that I woke up on the coach long enough to see... I will be going back to that one! 

So as you can see, we had fun.  I don't have time to tell all of the adventures, or things that I learned but it was fabulous.  I'll share a few of the sights (I won't do all of the buildings... too many) and things to give you a feel for the place, but only sort of.  They only way you can truly understand is to go visit yourself. 

So here are some fun things.... the original and then the same made of chocolate..... huge mind you....


A wedding party in horse drawn carts....

some of the different and unusual ways to see the sights

the secret behind why Lindt chocolate is so good its churned (but not by waterfall, but Willie Wonka was telling the truth about the churning part) 

On the 7th floor of the KaDaWe store they have international foods.  All sorts of wonderful things like: 

  there were baked goods and nice things.... So we get to the American section and what are we known for as American food.....

cough..... yeah..... (by the way it's like €8 for a box of poptarts......) 

It's getting late and this is already 2 days behind schedule,  But I thought I would share a small portion of Berlin.  I could spend hours, but alas time is of the essence for me, so it will have to wait.  

Needless to say it was a fabulous trip with fantastic company and the time went all too quickly.  I have been changed once again by people and places, their stories and histories.  

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